State 4-H Exhibit

Daisy Dalrymple - Poetry - Hampshire County



Daisy Dalrymple - Poetry - Hampshire County


The Love of Thy Shepherd


The Love of Thy Shepherd
The sweet smell of flowers fills thy senses,
Aromas clearing the muck of sorrow.
The smallest of flowers dispenses
Joy from thy fielded hollow.
The grasses, though feathered with dew
Bring all creatures big and small too.
They come to enjoy the excitement of Who,
They all may know of as Yeshua.
He brings the light to the world,
Allowing all the creatures to know His word.
He brings the love of God to all,
Never allowing there to be a wall,
To separate all creature from the God of King Saul.
He leads His followers like a shepherd does his sheep,
Trying to keep all together and not to wander astray.
For if they do, God does not simply go away,
But is always present, ready for thy leap,
Back in His arms to forever stay.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Daisy Dalrymple

Age Division




