State 4-H Exhibit

Coriander Houser - Short Story - Jefferson County



Coriander Houser - Short Story - Jefferson County


The Scare I got at Camp Frame


The Scare I got at Camp Frame
“Mom, do I have to be here?” asked Brittney Snowle. “Yes Britney. You really need time from home and your video games” said Brittney’s mom in her sweet Southern voice. “I have to go home. I love you and remember to shower every night because I don’t want to have a sweaty child that will have to bathe for a week.” She kissed me on the cheek and left. My friend, Sara Wiling (from my 4-H club), wouldn’t be here until 12ish and last time I checked it was 11:37. Do I walked out of the back door of my part of the cabin and explored my new camp. I was walking around the edge of the forest when I saw a HUGE four legged beast turn a look at me with its blank red eyes. It started chasing me. I ran into my cabin and fell on my bed. A few of the girls stared at me and turned away. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, Sara stood over me. I sat up and squeaked with alarm. “Did I scare you?” Sara asked innocently. “Of course you did!” I screeched. A bell rang and we ran to the white rectangle shaped building for lunch. I ate my spaghetti and ran outside. There were twenty kids and three counselors. I ran close to the woods and heard a blood curdling yell. I ran to Sara who was now outside and told her everything I had seen or heard about the four legged monster. “Oh wow Brittney I don’t know what to do. I hope we find out who or what is doing this and stop this chaos before it gets out of hand” Sara finished and I felt a shiver run down my spine. We looked and looked but never found the beast or monster or whatever it was. Eventually me and Sara split up because I had line dancing classes and she had cupcake wars. I ran to class and had a lot of fun. I had forgotten about any problems I’d been having including the monster. I only remembered it at dinner when Sara and me were alone putting our dished on a table as we left. “Brittney we get to figure out who’s the leader of our tribe! Go Delaware’s!” we yelled. We ran to the forest and then stopped in our tracks as we heard a dramatic voice say “You’ll be next if you’re not quick.” After that we ran to the circle of benches and sat down. Other kids filled in the other seats, a few said hi. I hugged Sara tightly as they did the opening stiff, finally they told us who the Chiefs and SAGs were. “And for the Delaware Chief…Brittney Snowle!” yelled a counselor. “OMG Brittney, I’m so proud of you” whispered Sara. “I know how I am going to beat that monster” I said. At the end of the meeting I managed to get the Spirit Stick which made me even surer of my plan. I told Sara the plan and the next morning when the beast ran toward me I hit it with the Spirit Stick and threw it in the dumpster.


Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Coriander Houser

Age Division



Short Story

