State 4-H Exhibit

Hattie Brautigan - Short Story - Marshall County



Hattie Brautigan - Short Story - Marshall County


Wild Flowers and Wild Horses


In the country side early one morning, Nora woke up and looked out her window. She saw a beautiful mustang standing in the field behind her house. Nora wanted to go outside, but after the incident she was sure her parents wouldn't let her. The thought of not being able to go outside made her grumpy, so she went back to bed. Her sister yelled repeatedly, "time for breakfast Nora," but Nora grumbled "I'm not hungry." Nora felt sadness overcome her, all she wanted to do was go outside and look at the mustang. She went down for breakfast still feeling mopey. Her parents said, "good morning honey," then they told her they didn't want her going outside with the mustang being around. Nora chewed her soggy waffle and thought about the incident. When she was 4 years old she saw a mustang foal outside. She was trying to get close to it and it got scared and bolted straight into Nora.
Nora didn't want to think about it. She ran upstairs and changed into hiking shorts and a purple t-shirt. Next, she grabbed a burlap sack and threw some apples in it. She yelled to her mom that she would be back soon. She jumped on her pale blue bike with a wicker basket and put the apples in the basket. She peddled her bike into the woods and came across the same mustang she had seen that morning. Nora said, "c'mon buddy don't be shy." The horse timidly walked towards her. She held out an apple and it began to nibble on it. He nuzzled her and Nora laughed and said, "meet me here tonight" the horse whinnied in agreement.
Nora was happy with her accomplishment with the mustang. She biked over to her friend Harley's house. Her friend Harley's family owned a horse ranch and roped wild horses. She met Harley at the gate, "Hey pal" Harley exclaimed! "What's up," said Nora "I need a lasso and a saddle pad," said Nora. "What for," Harley asked. "My parents were talking about getting me a horse," said Nora. Nora knew it was the worst lie ever. "Hmm ... your parents never ever wanted to get you a horse after the accident," said Harley. That was about right, her parents never wanted her near horses again. "But they changed their mind," Nora said as honest as she could. So, Harley handed Nora an Aztec style saddle pad and a wax lasso. She thanked Harley for the things and rode home on her bike.
By the time she got home it was it was time for dinner. Nora fell asleep not long after because she'd be up half of the night. She dreamed about her and the mustang. She got up two hours later and changed into jean shorts and a light blue T- shirt. Nora grabbed her sack of apples and the horse things from Harley. She biked towards the forest. At the edge of the forest she thought she saw a large rock, but as she got closer she realized it was a horse hoof. Out from behind the tree came the mustang! Nora said, ''what should I call you?" "How about Midnight" she suggested because he was raven black. He whinnied and Nora said, "I guess that's a yes." She let him sniff the saddle pad and then she gently put it on his back. He didn't mind at all with the pad on his back. Next, she put the lasso around his neck. She arranged it to where she could control him to go where she wanted. Last, she steadily climbed on top of him and then said,
"giddy up" and they raced across the field. Nora felt the wind in her hair and Midnight's flapping mane. Midnight stopped and let her off his back. She climbed off took her things, patted his forehead, and left him an apple.
Nora continued doing the same thing for two weeks until he was broke enough to ride. In those few weeks she had bought him a halter, lead rope, and a saddle. Her parents asked her what those items were for but she said they were for Harley. That night her parents called Harley to see if she had received those items. They had found out that Harley had never seen those things. Just then they heard a loud boom! It was Nora sneaking out the house to see the mustang. They followed her to the forest where she had been meeting up with Midnight. The next morning her parents called the animal control. They arrived at 9:00 A.M. Her parents escorted them to the horse pen and they took Midnight to the trailer. Nora's heart was broken and she sobbed as she watched the trailer leave.
A few weeks later Harley called and said she had a surprise for Nora. Nora walked to Harley's house and met her at the paddock gate. Harley exclaimed, "close your eyes," so Nora did. When she opened her eyes Midnight was trotting around in the paddock! Nora cried happy tears and thanked Harley! Harley told Nora she could keep the mustang at her farm and come over anytime.
After seeing how dedicated Nora was to Midnight her parents realized how capable she was of doing things. Nora spent all of her free time at Harley's farm taking care of Midnight. Eventually, she trained Midnight to barrel race and they became a town legend.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Hattie Brautigan

Age Division



Short Story

