State 4-H Exhibit

Aubrey Livengood - Short Story - Mineral County



Aubrey Livengood - Short Story - Mineral County


Renewed Strength


Renewed Strength
She entered the pastor's study, pulled a stool from under the desk, and sat down, distressed. "Read it to me again, Father- the Scripture from Malachi. Please read it to me again!"
The tall pastor opposite turned a few pages, "'The Son of righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings.' Daughter, the Lord who is the great Physician wiU not forget us. He never has, He never will. Healing will come, just wait."
"But she grows worse every day, Father," the girl, usually·so comforted by the Scripture,
laid her blonde head against the desk. "My mother will never get well-I do not even think
that .. ;" her voice trailed off, sorrowfully ..
Then she heard the strong voice of the faithful pastor again. "God is a loving-Father; He cares about His children. He knows that we love your mother, and He loves her even more. His healing power is very great. His promises never fail.''
"Have you not told me that the Lord can say 'No'?" she asked. "Perhaps it is not His Will to heal her? What-what ifshe would die?" the girl gasped, stifling a sob as she realized that she had spoken aloud her utmost sorrow. "Father, have you not studied the Scriptures aHyour life? Can you tell me if God will really heal my mother?" The pastor finally lifted his eyes from the Scriptures he loved. His eyes turned first to look into his daughter's eyes, and then to an embroidered cloth she had hung on the wall beside the bright window. He studied the Christmas picture for a long time before lie spoke.
"My daughter, that is what Christmas is all about-is healing. Jesus came so that healing is always possible."
"If Mother would die, she would be healed in Heaven-is that what you mean, Father?'.' "'I know that my Redeemer lives, and on this earth someday shall stand'," the father read slowly. "Yes, daughter, in Heaven she will be healed. Do not worry, for our God is always in control. He who wrote these words will hold your hand and see you through. He will heal your mother too."
Meanwhile, a change had come upon the girl's face. "Oh, Father! We only have to wait, whether a little or a lot, and we shall see Mother healed.'' Eagerly she cried, "We will wait for God's healing; read me the Scripture about waiting."
The old pastor turned the pages of his worn Bible, and both of them read together:
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Aubrey Livengood

Age Division



Short Story

