State 4-H Exhibit

Mallory Tenney - Short Story - Monongalia County



Mallory Tenney - Short Story - Monongalia County




Well I've never done this before so let's just get it started. Hello My name is Jolene. I am writing this because no one else will listen to me & I just want someone to hear me and not just my story so it doesn't die with me. So other people will know they are not alone. So if I'm going to tell this, wait let's go back to the beginning. I was born right here in West Virginia, on March 1, to my mother and father. My favorite thing in the world was puppies and the color pink.

Me and my dogs would play dress up for hours & hours though. In hindsight I guess it was just me making them wear cute outfits. But there was always one game I liked more than that, Vet. There were a lot of dogs in my neighborhood and every time they had a problem my neighbors would bring them to me. It was always fun seeing the sad dogs happy again. It was always my dream to become a Veterinarian. But my Dad would never allow it.

For the past 4 generations someone in my family was the sheriff of this town. And my dad wanted me to continue the legacy even though I didn´t want to. Every year since I was 6 my dad would have me exercise 2 hours every day & I couldn't eat sweets at all. By the time I was 12 he made me exercise 3 hours a day and sent me to training camp too. I also had to keep straight As too and once when I was 8 I got a D+ cause I was so tired I didn't finish my project. So then for the next month I was grounded from everything except exercise of course. Things stayed this way until I was 17, I was walking home during a late night but then I just stopped. I couldn't move & then I just looked at my hands they were covered in bruises. I then felt my face. I had been busy for so long that I hadn't realized how skinny I was and how tired I was. Then all I could think was. ´I can't let this go on anymore’.

That night my mom had asked me to go to the store to get her hair dye. She was a natural white blond but her hair had started to turn grey. Me and my dad were brunetts. So that night I decided to leave and never look back. I went to the nearest restroom, dyed my hair & ranaway with only 20 dollars to my name, which I changed to Jack & decided to live life for me. By the next day I was about two towns away, guess all that training paid off but I still needed to go further and give myself more than just new hair. I got some new clothes and a few piercings on my face & finally after 17 years got to try a lollipop! Then I took a bus to 3 states away, the ticket was on sale. And then AFTER THAT! Nothing, I was lost and I wasn't sure what to do, but I know what I wanted to do. Help The Animals! So I started working at a pet store, it didn't pay a lot but ¨Hey who cares¨ I was happy & learning about being a vet! I still ended up sleeping on the streets, only had enough money for food until one night. I was just walking around cause I couldn't sleep then I saw these lights. At first I thought it was just a house party but then I saw that it was a dog fight. I ran in there to stop it but it was already over & the dog was hurt. So I ran in there to help him but it and the guy running it said that there wasn't a point to help the dog & they weren't going to pay to get him fixed so I said I´d do it for free. He let me patch up the dog and after I took care of that I told him that it was wrong & I would call the cops. He just laughed at that & he said nothing would happen cause they had the cops on their side & started saying names and one was my father. Witch at that point I´d had it, he wasn´t just a bad Dad he was a bad cop. After that night, I made my plan. For the next few months at the fighting ring I cared for all the dogs and tried to pick up information so I could get this thing shutdown. I recorded everything, left a trail and got enough evidence to put these people behind bars for a long time. But when I reported it the cops, they arrested me but not on anything related to the dogs it was on a bunch of stuff they made up like robbery and attacking an officer and there was no proof I did it. They still sent me to court. When I tried to tell the public by saying it in court about the dogs and my father being one of the cops involved, no one cared cause I was the bad guy. No one even listened to me. Now I am the one behind bars and everyone treats me like I'm crazy cause I'm the bad guy and no one cares. I guess that I know, really bad for me… well at least with this I can hope someone someday will have believed me.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Mallory Tenney

Age Division



Short Story

