State 4-H Exhibit

Karia Brimelow- Short Story - Morgan County



Karia Brimelow- Short Story - Morgan County


The Pompom Attack


The Pompom Attack
Once there were three kittens, Captain, the oldest, Sherlock, the middle, and Dinah, the youngest and the only girl. Captain and Sherlock were brown-grey tabbies, while Dinah, was a calico. Something important to know is that Sherlock has a toy, Lady Pompom, a blue Pompom with glittery blue strings that were longer than the normal blue ones, and Lady Pompom was very important to him.
One day, Sherlock was taking a nap. He had left Lady Pompom underneath the coffee table and was falling asleep when he heard a skitter of paws. Looking up, he saw Dinah running away with his treasured Lady Pompom in her mouth!
"Come back here!" he yowled, but to no avail. Dinah was racing away as fast as she could. He chased after her, but she was too fast. Then, suddenly Dinah dropped the pompom! She whirled around and sprinted towards it, but Sherlock got there first. He grabbed the pompom and rushed to the baby buggy, which had been given to his person's sister, Karia, at a Christmas long ago. He hopped inside and clutched Lady Pompom in his mouth. Then, he slowly sneaked out, careful not to drop Lady Pompom. But wait! What is this? Another pompom! An orange pompom rolled next to his paws. He looked at it closely and saw that it was Lady Pompom's sister, Orange Pompom. Now he was very confused at what to do next. Should he play with his beloved Lady Pompom, or play with this new and colorful Orange Pompom? He decided to compromise and play with both. But he must move so that Dinah will not steal Lady Pompom again. Sherlock picked up Lady Pompom and then opened his mouth the tiniest little bit so that he could pick up Orange Pompom without dropping Lady Pompom. He just managed to do it when Captain came out of nowhere and banged into him, knocking Lady Pompom to the floor. "Sorry, Sherlock!" He meowed, zooming away at top speed to attack a felt mouse which had been thrown for him by his person, Bo. Lady Pompom bounced away, right into the path of...
She looked up, surprised.
Sherlock was stunned.
Then suddenly, she pounced.
She grabbed Lady Pompom in her mouth and zoomed away, up the stairs and into one of the four rooms that were connected to The Upstairs Hallway. Sherlock was very upset. His favorite toy was stolen. He plopped onto the carpet where he had been sitting. Why would Dinah do that? Then, he suddenly had an idea. "Captain? Where are you?" He mewed. "Hey." Captain showed up with a look of sadness on his face. ''I'm sorry about your pompom, I really didn't mean to bonk you like that." Sherlock gave a sad smile. "It's ok." Captain looked confused. "Really? I know how much that pompom means to you." Sherlock nodded. "Yeah, because you are going to help me get her back." Captain smiled. "Yes! I've been SO BORED all day! Finally, something to do!" They slowly creeped upstairs.
Sherlock sneaked into The Girls' Room.
Captain creeped into The Bathroom. Then they came back into the hallway and shook their heads.
She's not in The Girls' Room, Sherlock said silently.
And she's not in The Bathroom either, Captain signaled. You check The Parents' Room and I'll check Dana's room.
Sherlock nodded. Sounds good
They moved without a sound into their assigned rooms.
Sherlock peered intently into his room. There/Was that Dinah's calico fur? The shine of Lady Pompom's blue strings? Yes! He smiled. Oh, if only he was holding on to Lady Pompom, sitting in the baby buggy! He sneaked closer to her. Suddenly, he pounced on her. "Give lady pompom back!" he hissed. She had kicked Lady Pompom by her feet, and was wiggling. He arched his back. "Give lady Pompom Back!" he yowled. "No!" she cried. "You gave her to me!" Sherlock stopped. What?Dinah glared at him. "I want a pompom too!" she hissed quietly. Sherlock was stunned. Was that why she took Lady Pompom? She crept closer and said, "You play with her all the time. I never get a turn! And then, you gave her to me! I was so happy! But now," She said, looking hurt, "You come upstairs, hissing at me to give her back!" Sherlock couldn't move, he was so shocked. the he had an idea. The next day, he was playing with Lady Pompom, happily batting her around. He looked at Captain, playing with a toy fish that crinkled when he touched it. Then Sherlock looked around at Dinah, happy as can be, playing with Orange Pompom. He leaped into the baby buggy and sighed contentedly. Everyone was happy again, and Dinah had her own pompom. Captain, who had never wanted a pompom, was perfectly happy with his normal toys. Everyone had a happy ending, so I guess this is ... The End

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Karia Brimelow

Age Division



Short Story

