State 4-H Exhibit

Lydia Koval - Short Story - Ohio County



Lydia Koval - Short Story - Ohio County


A Fun Ride


Once upon a time, there were eight excited kids who found a cool key. The eight kids went searching for the lock that matched. When they were searching for the lock, they saw a black and white dog, a school that taught with toys, and some cool looking cars. They also saw a ladder and decided to climb it! They went all the way to the sky and saw a black gate. They tried the key on the gate, and it worked! The gates opened, and they saw a magnificent looking fairy. The fairy gave all of the girls fairy wings as well as a more magical outfit. Then she introduced herself, and her name is Queen because she is the Queen of all the fairies. She had a big role because everything would go wrong if she was not there without them knowing. She also had to take care of four forests: the rain forest, Spring Forest, tropical forest, and the rainbow forest. The Queen gave the kids a tour of the land. None of them could believe that they were walking on the clouds. She asked them all if they wanted to ride a unicorn. They all said “Yes!” except for one, and his name was Knox. He said “NO!” They got two unicorns and rode them and eventually Knox changed his mind and rode. Everybody got one ride around the land. All eight kids helped groom them so they could be clean for the next ride, and they put the unicorns back in their stalls. They all agreed that they had a blast!
The End

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Lydia Koval

Age Division



Short Story

