State 4-H Exhibit

Nicholas Honaker - Short Story - Ohio County



Nicholas Honaker - Short Story - Ohio County


The Dangerous Haunted House


The Dangerous Haunted House
One night I was trick-or-treating with my friend Brycen. It was Halloween and we came across a haunted house. Bryce said “let’s go in.” I said no but he was already on the porch. I knocked on the door. It opened wide and we went to the basement. We found Ethan. Ethan said “run!” I asked why. He pointed at a skeleton. The skeleton grabbed Ethan. Brycen and I kicked and hit the skeleton. It let go of Ethan and we all ran up the stairs.
We tried to call our parents, but no one answered. So, we ran to the second floor, but there were spiders. We went to the kitchen and tried to call our parents again. They still did not pick up. Brycen said “What’s that noise?” There was a ghost. It chased us outside. There was a hole in the yard so we tried to hide there. Then the dirt started to fill in on us. We barely made it out.
We went to the front gate but there was a witch. We went back in the house but there were zombies. There was another ghost and it chased us back in the house. We went upstairs to the attic. There were bats on the ceiling.
We finally got enough courage to go back downstairs. There were no monsters or anything. We went out the door and left. After we left, we never saw that house again.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Nicholas Honaker

Age Division



Short Story

