State 4-H Exhibit

Daisy Hershman - Short Story - Preston County



Daisy Hershman - Short Story - Preston County




Some will never see or feel the pain behind others' eyes. They'll never see what one is hiding so
well that they seem so happy with such bright shining smiles. They would never know how it
feels to be so powerless and seared. For the only thought to be -l'm never going to make it out
of this. The feeling of being completely and utterly trapped with no way out. With pain haunting
you for months and years to go with the feeling of never escaping even though you have. Even
though you're away from the hurt. Even being away sometimes isn't enough to heal the pain.
The constant fear of it happening again. The memory of feeling every moment of pain, still being
able to feel it like it is happening over and over again.
The nightmares of flashbacks of seeing what you've tried so hard to forget. Some will never
know of what happened. Others will know parts. Some will even deny the truth. You will try to
forget, even though it's always with you. Every moment it's repeating over and over until you
can't take any more of it. Until you finally break.
You finally break and need some one to go to.„some one to tell for comforting words and to hear
it will never happen again. For every time you close your eyes, everything happens once again.
Once people do know what has happened, even the one who does give comfort, doesn't know
how traumatic it was to try and explain that it would hurt both more by others knowing.
To everyone it's teenage love, they were just teenagers in love. The love that you fall madly in
love and feel like you're on top of the world. The one they never expect to end in complete and
utter devastation of the two hearts breaking. How could it end in such devastation? How could such beauty end in so much hurt? With the touch of his cold fingers going
down her arm as they lay in bed -face to face. It was the dream they had always dreamed of.
The dream that everyone was so sure for it to fail. To them it was the most beautiful thing to
ever happen to one another. With love so deep no one could understand.
As counting the months that turned into years with people still in doubt that the end
would surely come to them. With the love so pure and beautiful to them but ending in the eyes
of others-no one knew what was to come. With years and months still to count, the young love
was stronger than ever. Would it end? Would they lose it forever? To them love was forever, for
the unseen moments and memories with one another. In the eyes of the unseen-moments and
memories of life was waiting for the end to happen. It was only left for the young lovers to
prove themselves.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Daisy Hershman

Age Division



Short Story

