State 4-H Exhibit

Alyssa Friend - Short Story - Preston County



Alyssa Friend - Short Story - Preston County


The Boone County Monster


The Boone county monster has a gruesome back story and I shall tell youjust what went on. In the fall of
1963 there were 3 teens playing around in a cemetery around 2 an. Since they were teens they were spray
painting graves and drawing witch signs everywhere. They were just about to leave when they heard
something snap a twig, they figured it wasn't anything but a stary cat and continued on. It was I minute
till 3 and that's when evel)thing fell down hill they headed into the woods where their truck was parked,
but ended up in the cemetery and this happened 3 times tired of it tried again then found themselves lost
in the woods. They started to panic and then heard someone talking in a strange language and it slowly
started to turn into a growl. The voice started to become louder and closer until they could see the outline
it was a tall creatLire, about 7 foci tall with deep red glowing eyes and, long ams with shaxp fingers and
nails. The teenagers were to scared to move and couldn't sclcam no matter how hard they tried like the
monster made them unable to talk or move. Then the kids started to be lifted off the ground and they
could smell a strong smell of death filled the air along with smoke.
Then after it stared at them for a bit it smiled and said see you soon grinned and left. The teenagers were
so spooked they ran and found their truck and all went to their house . The kids got home and checked
themselves for marks they all had a weird marking on them that was in the strange language the creature
spoke of. They all went to bed but when they woke one of them didn't come to school so they went to his
house and found everything covered in blood and weird markings everywhere . When they reporfed it to
the police they came out but when they went inside evel)thing was fine except the teenager was missing.
The other 2 teens knew this was the creature they hadjust seen and decided to discuss it in the moming,
little did they know they wouldn't be able to. When school came around only 1 of the teens went to
school. The teen skipped school to check on their friend but they were to late, the door had been ripped
off the hinges and similar markings appeared like the other house . When the teem went in to check out the
place they felt blood dripping on them, they looked up and it was coming from upstairs but when they
went up it was a horrible site `
They looked in the room the blood was coming from and there was the creature feasting on the other
teem. When he saw the person walk in he smirked and ran with the body, again the last teem called the
police but the sane thing happened eveverything was still in place and the door put back, only thing wrong
was the missing teem. The last teem went to bed but was woke by crashing and growling. Then the sound
of heavy footsteps rurming up the stairs to his room, the door creaked open and closed he could hear it
crawling around looking for him. He couldn't see and it was pitch black and then the monster was right
there ne7ct to his bed. He heard it start to chuckle but it echoed so he couldn't tell what side, it then opened
its eyes and all he could see was red eyes and its toothy grin. It smirked and said told you I would find
you and then lunged at the boy, it killed bin instantly and then devoured the teenager slowly ever since
nobody has seen the creature.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Alyssa Friend

Age Division



Short Story

