State 4-H Exhibit

Lenna Biddle - Short Story - Taylor County



Lenna Biddle - Short Story - Taylor County


The Tale of Unicorns


Once long-ago unicorns were going to school. Clara is the new girl at Unicorn High School. It is a school for unicorns. Unicorns are smart and magical. Clara meets Nona and Lela, their twins. Clara meets Carter, Levi, and Annie. Clara and her friends went to class.
First, they find the class. Next, they take a seat. Last, they say good morning to the teacher named Elisabeth. Elisabeth teaches math. But Elisabeth is under cover as a beautiful, innocent unicorn in the school. She is going to steal all the powers from the unicorns! They didn’t know she was going to steal the powers. Then she took off her disguise, and the unicorns knew she was a bad guy.
They must plan quickly! They were thinking...and they finally got a plan. They’re going to get the strongest unicorn, the principal. They need to convince Elisabeth to take off her disguise in front of the principal. The group are in action of their plan. Clara, Nona, and Lela are getting the principal. Carter, Levi, and Annie are getting Elisabeth. Annie did not want to be with the boys. There is Elisabeth and the principal in the classroom. We are going to make Elisabeth mad and take off her disguise in front of the principal. The plan is going great. The principal kicked Elisabeth out. Now the school is safe from Elisabeth. They lived happily ever after.
Or so we thought, one day they were looking for a new teacher and Elisabeth had an idea to get all the power. “Hahaha,” screamed Elisabeth. She planned to sign up for the new teacher. But when she went to sign up, she got caught. Finally, they lived happily ever after.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Lenna Biddle

Age Division



Short Story

