
Emily Carothers - Essay - Fayette County



Emily Carothers - Essay - Fayette County


How Can I Help the Environment in West Virginia


How Can I Help the Environment in West Virginia?

Environmental health is very important to a community. Whether the drainage ditches are full of trash or a river with plastics in it, a community could be at risk of harm to everyone. There are plenty of activities you can do to help improve your local environment. Some examples are picking up trash and planting native flowers or having a school recycling drive. These projects are ways to help the diversity of local animals and plants.
One thing that you can do every day for the environment is recycle. This will prevent new trash from polluting your local environment. Actively making sure your old water bottles go out to recycle instead of the landfill makes a difference to your community. Lots of people do not do this, though. Even worse, they will litter and directly contaminate your local forests with harmful microplastics. You can help the environment by cleaning up these places where trash has been dumped. With the DEP, or Department of Environmental Protection, you can even Adopt-A-Highway or Adopt-A-Spot to continuously help your local environment.
Other ways to help the environment is through planting and creating homes for creatures in the environment. Planting native flowers and trees in areas where they can’t be damaged and destroyed gives bees and other insects a place to feed and nest. Flowers are easy to grow and maintain, and are a beautiful edition to any yard. Making bee houses also gives pollinators a safe place to live and breed. Mason bees, who are endangered, live in holes in rock or soil naturally, so a bee house is a perfect habitat for them. Attracting more bees to your garden will help produce grow bigger and better while improving the local environment.
One of the best ways to help your local environment is by telling others what you know about the effects of pollution. If other people understand the impact of litter or pesticides, they would be less likely to use them. People understanding the consequences of their actions are more likely to act against doing it in the future. By spreading word on how these acts can affect the local environment, you can decrease the actions. We can also promote building bee houses and planting flowers. This helps support our food supply locally. The more positive actions being taken, the less impact the negative actions will have on the environment. To live an environmentally conscious and sustainable life, we need to continuously think of and support our environment through actions and increasing education.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Emily Carothers

Age Division




