
Lantar Daiva - Essay - Fayette County



Lantar Daiva - Essay - Fayette County


Cultivating Inclusive Leadership in Diverse Society Through International Exchange Program


In today's rapidly changing world, the need for strong and effective leadership has never been greater. With an ever changing world, a good leader is always needed. There are countless complex problems that require a creative and innovative mind to solve. While many people may assume that effective leadership is something that comes with age and experience, the reality is that some of the most innovative and inspiring leaders are teenagers and young adults.

Because of the urge to build my leadership, I strive to get an experience that I need to be a good leader as much as I can. One of the strive that I do is be a foreign exchange students. I decided to be an exchange student because I know leadership is just not about leading one groups of people, but they might lead a bigger scale of group and more diverse and a good leader should make the environment Inclusive.

Youth leadership is a powerful force for positive change in the world. Teenagers and young adults have the ability to make a significant impact on their communities and beyond, using their energy, creativity, and passion to inspire others and create a better future. By making a supportive environment to empower youth leaders, we can empower a new generation of change-makers and ensure a brighter future for all.

One of the most important aspects of youth leadership is the development of strong communication skills. Effective leaders are able to communicate their ideas and visions clearly and persuasively, inspiring others to follow their lead and take action. These leader must be able to articulate their vision and goals in a way that is both compelling and easy to understand, and they must also be able to listen carefully to the needs and concerns of those around them. Effective communication is the foundation of successful leadership. Youth leaders must be intentional in developing this skill.

Another key trait of successful youth leaders is the ability to work collaboratively with others. Leadership is not just about giving orders or taking control, but about building relationships and working with others towards a common goal. Good leaders must be able to delegate tasks, encourage teamwork, and support the growth and development of others. They must also be able to recognize and leverage the unique skills and perspectives of each team member, creating a sense of inclusiveness and shared purpose.

Finally, youth leadership is about taking initiative and embracing a willingness to learn and grow. Leaders must be willing to take risks, try new things, and learn from their mistakes. They must also be open to feedback and willing to adjust their approach as needed to achieve their goals. The ability to innovate and adapt is essential for youth leaders to remain relevant and effective in an ever-changing world.

It is worth noting that effective youth leadership is not limited to formal leadership roles. One of the most powerful forms of leadership is leading by example. When young people demonstrate kindness, compassion, and generosity, they inspire those around them to do the same. By living their values and pursuing their passions, youth leaders create a ripple effect that can lead to positive change in their communities and beyond.

Like I cited before, being an exchange student is one of the most great and effective way to cultivate leadership. There is a lot of benefits for being an exchange student, but If we narrow down the scope to the benefits for leadership development, there is few essential leadership skills that you can gain. For example you can increase your independency and adaptability because being an exchange student mean that you have to make your own way to solve things and you have to adapt in the new environment in order to solve your problem.

An exchange student experience can be a transformative and life-changing opportunity for young people. In addition to the cultural immersion and language skills gained, it can also be a unique opportunity for personal growth and development of leadership skills.

Participating in an exchange program requires a level of independence and adaptability that can foster the development of leadership skills. By living in a foreign country, an exchange student is forced to navigate unfamiliar environments, communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds, and solve problems on their own. These experiences can help to build resilience and resourcefulness, which are key traits of effective leaders.

The exposure to different cultures can broaden a student's perspective and understanding of the world. An exchange student has the opportunity to learn about different values, beliefs, and ways of life, during an exchange program, a student may have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities or volunteer work. These experiences can be a great opportunity to develop leadership skills. For example, joining a leadership club like 4H Teen Leaders Club or participating in a community service project can help an exchange student to hone their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. These experiences can also build confidence and self-esteem, develop cultural intelligence, which is the ability to understand and navigate different cultural norms and expectations. In a globalized world, cultural intelligence is a valuable skill for leaders who want to work with people from diverse backgrounds.

The exchange student experience can be seen as a way to empower a new generation of change-makers. By providing young people with the opportunity to develop leadership skills and a global perspective, exchange programs can help to create a more connected and empathetic world.

In conclusion, the exchange student experience can provide young people with a unique opportunity to develop leadership skills and prepare them to be change-makers in their communities and beyond. By empowering a new generation of change-makers, we can create a better future for all.

Youth(s) First Name and Initial of Last Name

Lantar Daiva

Age Division




